Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Secret

Well for the last few days I've been reading The Secret. I'm not exactly late, I heard about it back in November or so from and online friend and just didn't pay it much attention. But I did understand the basics princple, and had discussed it with a co-worker. I finally decided to give in and buy the book. I normally buy boks second hand, that's why it took me a while to come around. I did breakdown and pay full price, and it was money well spent. As I said I understood the principle, and was like ,"Duh!" when I would hear people talking about it. My co-worker even said the same thing. Then one day she come in and she's like " You better get on it." So I have and oh my goodness. And I use goodness litreally. I bought The Secret Tuesday after work and read most of it that evening. I knew if I asked I would receive but I never took note to how my feelings could counter act with my faith. I realized what I suffer from a lot of times is worry and not faith. So I have really been trying to stay consious of my attitude and feelings. guys, it's been hard. My living situation is not the best but I am work on remaining positive, and looking for a new place. I'm also reading a book called Turning Towards Joy. So I've been making it. But it's been rough, it's like I wake up gritting my teeth, and telling my self change your mood. I have also made it a point to focus on the positives. This does not have to be a bad day because the dog once again didn' make it outside, she's chewed up yet another shoe. This does not have to be a bad day because my eyes are itching, I can't stop sneezing, and my zyrtec is gone. t Today is magnificent because tommorow is going to be even better. Candace P.S. you can create your own "Secret" message on

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